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Jan 27, 2016


5 Softball Hitting Drills For Beginners

To become a pro softball hitter you need to practice your swings properly and patiently. Its easy to get bored if you choose to practice the same drills over and over every day. Getting a variation in your drills can help you spice up your practice sessions..!! The following guide will help your practice some fun softball hitting drills.

Bat Throw

bat throw drill
This drill requires an open space and provides an immediate feedback of your swing. At first get in to your batting stance and swing and release the bat at the point when you make contact with the ball. The bat should fly forward in a straight line with a perfect spiral rotation.
If your swing mechanism goes wrong then you'll get to know immediately what went wrong.  i.e. in this case your bat will fly to your left instead of forward.

Bam Bams

bam bams drills
The primary focus of this drill is to teach you a compact swing as in a fast-pitch you can't have a long swing. You will need a ball or a light dumbbell for this exercise.
The steps are as follows:
  • At first, get into your batting stance and hold the ball or dumbbell with your lower hand.
  • Guiding with your elbow, move your bottom hand across your chest. The ball or dumbbell should follow through a straight line beginning from your back shoulder to the front of your chest and stop when your elbow is extended (as shown in the image above).
  • Do at least 5 sets of 10.

The Knob Drill

the knob drill
This drill emphasizes on keeping your hands inside the ball and leading your swing with the knob of the bat. Hold your bat handle in a way that the bat knob is exposed and set up a tee where the ball sits on top of your striking zone.
Leading with your elbow move your hands in a straight line across your chest towards the ball. This way the knob of your bat naturally hits the ball.
The natural rotation of your pivot and hip will all a normal contact with the ball, so don't lean forward and try to knock the ball.

One-Knee Drill

one knee drill
In this exercise you have a different body posture to consider. You need to kneel down on your back knee and extend your front forward to maintain balance, this will help you isolate your upper body before you can take the swing.
Using a tee you will practice 3 different swings:
  • For the first round use your bottom hand and follow your Bam Bams drill to lean with your elbow and swing through the ball.
    one knee bottom hand drill
  • For the second round use your top hand and swing through your ball and focus for a follow through.
    one knee top hand
  • For the final round use both your hand and practice perfect form as you swing and end with the high follow through.
    one knee both hands drill

The Three-Step Drill

This drill focuses on drive and power, the batter will setup a tee and stand 3 steps behind it towards the catcher. Once you are in position, leading with your front foot move 3 steps forward towards the ball.
  • The first step will be small towards the tee.
  • The second step will be with your back foot stepping behind your front foot.
  • In the final step use all of your forward momentum to drive through the ball and keep a high follow through.

With this we come to an end to our Softball Hitting Drills lesson. This is not the end to the softball hitting drills, there are many others but this is to get you started with softball drills.

About Haseeb Kibria

Hi, My Name is Haseeb Kibria, I am a web developer by profession. Recently started blogging and online marketing along side my web developement work. Hope to hear from you all.


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